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(719) 357-6402 ● 2508 N Wahsatch Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Biomechanics & Bodywork

Sapien Fitness Clinic is a bespoke personal training and massage studio that employs the Functional Patterns method, a systems based approach to biological fitness that respects the mechanical priorities of the human body: Standing, walking, running & throwing.
Current scientific consensus suggests that several million years of selective pressure oriented around these motor behaviors is what reorganized our anatomy into its unique shape. Through manual therapy and multi-planar resistance training we stimulate the specific mechanical drivers involved in these motions to build strength that relates to your biology.
Functional Patterns is a paradigm shift in fitness that challenges the status quo in its technical execution, but is still soundly supported by the most current scientific literature. We pride ourselves in our operational approach which values measurable and repeatable results above all else. Whether you’re dealing with intense dysfunction or just looking to optimize, we’ll help you express your highest potential.
We’re a team of movement professionals, a Certified Neuromuscular Therapist and Human Biomechanics Specialist, with almost 30 years of combined experience training and teaching.


Contact us to schedule your FREE 90-minute consultation and assessment:
(719) 357-6402 ● ● @sapienfitnessclinic
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